About Me

I like drinking tea, but I don't like dunking biscuits (you get a build up of crumbs and it's gross).

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I live in the Mid-West of Britain, and guess what happened yesterday? Rain (yes but that's not important)? Tornado style winds (yes, but that still isn't important)? What happened yesterday, should be logged in some historical book! It Snowed! Proper, thick, fluffy, snowman building snow fell from the sky during the night of the 4/02/13 - 5/02/13. Then to make things even more exciting, it snowed during the day. But I was at school all day, so when I got home, it was all gone :O. Is that some form of child cruelty? Forcing them to go to school when it snows.... So no snow men were built, no snowballs were thrown and no angels were carved.
Even though   I <3 Snow , it's a right pain in the arse! When ever there is a slight possibility of snow/ice/frost/coldness the gritters come out and I always seem to get hit by the grit from these machines, it hurts, a lot. But as my Mum says "It could be worse, you could get hit by the Grit Truck" which is a very valid point. Also my feet always get cold and wet when I walk the 1/2 a mile to the bus stop in the morning, it's a blooming nightmare! Then to make things that tiny bit worse, the school is freeezzzzziiiinngg! I would have thought it was common knowledge that cold people like warmth! 

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