About Me

I like drinking tea, but I don't like dunking biscuits (you get a build up of crumbs and it's gross).

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The first one.

Ah. So Bloggers, it's almost Christmas....EXCITEMENT. This is my first post, (well there can only be one) and I need a subject to talk about. As it is almost the most wonderful time of the year, I shall talk about my favourite thing at Christmas.. Christmas Jumpers.... I love them! They are comical, cute and most of all super cozy :) I think there should be national *Wear the best Xmas jumper you can find* day, actually there should be a  international *Wear the best Xmas jumper you can find* day.
There we go... my first post. And if I decide to take over the world I shall make a international *Wear the best Xmas jumper you can find* day.

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